To steam Nile tilapia, you can follow these steps:
1. Clean and gut the fish, removing scales and internal organs.
2. Season the fish with salt, pepper, and any other desired seasonings such as garlic, ginger, or herbs.
3. Place the seasoned fish on a heatproof plate or dish that fits inside a steamer basket.
4. Fill a steamer pot with water and bring it to a boil.
5. Once the water is boiling, place the steamer basket with the fish inside the pot, cover with a lid, and steam for about 10-15 minutes, or until the fish is cooked through and flakes easily with a fork.
6. Carefully remove the steamed fish from the steamer and serve hot with a side of steamed vegetables or rice.
Enjoy your steamed Nile tilapia!
### 视频教程链接
* [清蒸罗非鱼的做法视频](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Q8x3X9JZw)
### 关键窍门:
1. 选材:
- 选择新鲜的罗非鱼,鱼肉紧实、颜色鲜艳。
- 去除内脏和鳞片,洗净。
2. 准备调料:
- 生姜切片,葱切成段。
- 香菜和辣椒(可选)切碎备用。
3. 腌制:
- 在鱼身上划几刀,以便入味。
- 加入适量的盐、料酒、姜片和葱段,腌制15-20分钟。
4. 蒸制:
- 将腌制好的罗非鱼放在蒸盘上。
- 水开后,将蒸盘放入蒸锅中,大火蒸10-12分钟(根据鱼的大小调整时间)。
- 蒸好后,关火焖5分钟。
5. 出锅与调味:
- 打开锅盖,取出蒸好的罗非鱼。
- 淋上适量的蒸鱼豉油或生抽,撒上葱花、香菜和辣椒碎。
- 热锅倒油,放入姜片爆香,然后迅速淋在鱼身上。
6. 搭配建议:
- 清蒸罗非鱼可以搭配一些清淡的蔬菜,如清炒时蔬或蒜蓉西兰花。
- 也可以搭配一些白米饭或面条食用。