Here is a common home-style recipe for Braised Fish:
- 1 whole fish (such as tilapia or sea bass), cleaned and scaled
- 2 tablespoons soy sauce
- 2 tablespoons cooking wine
- 1 tablespoon sugar
- 1 tablespoon ginger, sliced
- 2-3 cloves garlic, minced
- 2-3 green onions, chopped
- 1 tablespoon vegetable oil
- 1 cup water
- Salt and pepper to taste
1. Marinate the fish with soy sauce, cooking wine, and sugar for about 30 minutes.
2. Heat vegetable oil in a pan over medium heat. Add ginger, garlic, and green onions and sauté until fragrant.
3. Place the marinated fish into the pan and sear on both sides until lightly browned.
4. Add water to the pan, cover, and let it simmer for about 10-15 minutes, or until the fish is cooked through.
5. Season with salt and pepper to taste.
6. Garnish with additional green onions before serving.
Enjoy your homemade Braised Fish!
1. 鲤鱼一条(约500克)
2. 生姜一小块
3. 大葱一段
4. 蒜瓣几颗
5. 干辣椒几个(根据个人口味调整)
6. 生抽、老抽各适量
7. 料酒适量
8. 白糖一小勺
9. 盐适量
10. 清水适量
11. 食用油适量
1. 将鲤鱼处理干净,在鱼身两面各划几刀,方便入味。
2. 生姜切片,大葱切段,蒜瓣切末,干辣椒剪成小段备用。
3. 烧热锅,加入适量的食用油,油热后放入鲤鱼,两面煎至微黄,捞出备用。
4. 锅中留底油,放入生姜片、大葱段、蒜末和干辣椒段,翻炒出香味。
5. 加入适量的料酒,炒匀后加入生抽、老抽、白糖和盐,翻炒均匀。
6. 倒入适量的清水,水量要没过鱼身。
7. 将煎好的鲤鱼放回锅中,大火烧开后转中小火慢炖。
8. 炖至汤汁浓稠,鱼肉熟透,即可出锅装盘。