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2024-12-01 09:44:45编辑:臻房小滕分类:百科大全 浏览量(


To pickle salted vegetables with ginger, you can follow these steps:

1. Wash and cut the vegetables into small pieces.
2. Mix the vegetables with salt and let them sit for a few hours to draw out excess moisture.
3. Rinse the vegetables to remove excess salt.
4. Peel and slice the ginger into thin strips.
5. Layer the vegetables and ginger in a clean jar.
6. In a separate bowl, mix together water, vinegar, sugar, and any desired spices (such as garlic or chili flakes).
7. Pour the liquid mixture over the vegetables in the jar, making sure they are fully submerged.
8. Seal the jar and let it sit at room temperature for a few days to ferment.
9. Once the vegetables have reached your desired level of pickling, store the jar in the refrigerator.

Enjoy your homemade pickled salted vegetables with ginger!



      1. 准备原料:洋姜、盐、酱油、白糖、白酒、大葱、大蒜、辣椒等。
      2. 清洗洋姜:将洋姜表面的泥土和杂质清洗干净,然后切成薄片或者小块。
      3. 腌制:
      - 盐腌制:在切好的洋姜片中加入适量的盐,用手抓匀,让洋姜片充分吸收盐分。然后放入密封容器中,盖上盖子,放入冰箱冷藏室腌制。腌制时间可以根据个人口味调整,一般建议腌制1-2个月。
      - 酱油和白糖腌制:在腌制好的洋姜片中加入适量的酱油和白糖,再次搅拌均匀。然后加入适量的白酒,白酒的度数越高越好。醉后放入冰箱冷藏室腌制,腌制时间同样可以根据个人口味调整。
      4. 调味:腌制好的洋姜可以加入一些大葱、大蒜、辣椒等调料,增加口感和风味。
      5. 保存:将腌好的洋姜放入干燥、通风、阴凉处保存,避免阳光直射和潮湿环境。
      1. 将洋姜切片,加入盐、花椒、八角、桂皮、料酒、白糖等调料,放入坛中,倒入适量的米醋,密封好,放置在阴凉通风处腌制,一般可以腌制一个月左右。
      2. 将洋姜洗净,用盐腌制,每天翻动一次,连续腌制三天,然后加入适量的白糖、白酒、辣椒粉等调料,继续腌制一个月左右即可。
      3. 将洋姜切片,加入适量的盐、花椒、八角、桂皮、香叶、白芷等调料,放入锅中煮熟,然后放入冰箱冷藏室腌制,一般可以腌制一个月左右。
