弹 (dàn) - to play (a stringed instrument)
多 (duō) - many, much
音 (yīn) - sound
字 (zì) - character, word
组 (zǔ) - to form, to organize
词 (cí) - word, vocabulary
1. 弹琴 (dàn qín) - to play the piano/guitar
2. 多音字 (duō yīn zì) - polyphonic character (a character with multiple pronunciations)
3. 弹奏 (dàn zòu) - to perform (a musical instrument)
4. 多音 (duō yīn) - polyphony, multiple sounds
5. 弹幕 (dàn mù) - bullet screen (a feature on video streaming websites where viewers can send real-time comments that scroll across the screen)
6. 组词 (zǔ cí) - to form words (word formation)
7. 多音词 (duō yīn cí) - polyphonic word (a word with multiple pronunciations)
担子,读音为dān zi,它是一个多音字,主要有以下两种读音和组词:
1. dān zi,担子是一种木棍或竹竿,用于挑、扛物品。例如:
- 挑担子:挑起担子走。
- 扛担子:肩负重担。
2. dàn zi,担子也可以指托付、负担的意思。例如:
- 担心:心里感到忧虑和不安。
- 负担:承受的责任或压力。