To make braised beef brisket with radish, you can follow these steps:
1. Cut the beef brisket into small chunks and blanch them in boiling water for a few minutes to remove impurities.
2. Peel and cut the radish into chunks as well.
3. Heat some oil in a pot and sauté ginger and garlic until fragrant.
4. Add the beef brisket chunks and stir-fry until they are browned on all sides.
5. Pour in some soy sauce, cooking wine, and water or broth to cover the beef.
6. Add in the radish chunks and bring the mixture to a boil.
7. Reduce the heat to low, cover the pot, and simmer for about 1.5 to 2 hours, or until the beef is tender.
8. Season with salt, sugar, and pepper to taste.
9. Serve the braised beef brisket with radish hot with steamed rice.
Enjoy your delicious dish!
1. 牛腩:500克
2. 萝卜:500克
3. 生姜:3片
4. 大葱:1根
5. 料酒:适量
6. 生抽:适量
7. 老抽:适量
8. 盐:适量
9. 清水:适量
10. 食用油:适量
1. 将牛腩切成2厘米见方的块,放入沸水中焯水去血沫,捞出备用。
2. 萝卜去皮,切成与牛腩大小相当的块。
3. 生姜切片,大葱切段。
4. 烧热锅,加入适量的食用油,放入生姜片炒香。
5. 加入牛腩块,翻炒至表面微黄,加入料酒去腥。
6. 倒入生抽、老抽上色,翻炒均匀。
7. 加入适量的清水,水量要没过牛腩。
8. 放入葱段,大火烧开后转小火慢炖40分钟。
9. 萝卜块炖煮30分钟左右,加入适量的盐调味。
10. 继续炖煮10分钟,让萝卜充分吸收汤汁,口感更佳。
11. 醉后大火收汁,注意不要收汁过多,以免糊锅。
12. 出锅装盘,牛腩炖萝卜即可享用。
1. 牛腩焯水后,可以去除血水和杂质,使炖出来的汤更清澈。
2. 萝卜炖煮时间不宜过长,以免过于软烂,影响口感。
3. 炖煮过程中要随时观察火候,避免烧干或烧焦。
4. 可以根据个人口味适当调整调料的用量。